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How to choose the soft and hard materials of DuPont paper?


How to choose between soft and hard structures?

Type 14: The number starts with 14, which means soft structure.

Type 10: The number starts with 10, indicating a hard structure

The soft and hard structure of Tyve material only looks and feels different, but the performance and processing methods are similar. The hard structure (10 type) is like paper. Compared with the soft structure, it has a smooth surface and good stiffness. The soft structure (type 14) is like cloth, soft, and can also be printed and stitched like hard structure materials.

Sewing, bonding, and even ultrasonic stitching, etc. Type 14 materials are widely used in products that require high barrier properties, comfort and breathability.

What is the difference between common models D and R? What are their respective applications?

Models ending in D or R have antistatic and corona treatment. Antistatic treatment can reduce the accumulation of static electricity during processing. Corona treatment can improve the adhesion of inks, coatings and glues.