Technical information related to small package desiccant
1. Commonly used packaging materials and comparative analysis
Desiccant packaging materials commonly used at home and abroad are mainly divided into: domestic air-permeable paper (filter paper), non-woven fabric, composite paper, net-grained paper and Tyvek from DuPont. Filter paper can be used for small-size silica gel desiccant packaging. It is used to package montmorillonite powder that is not strong enough and easy to leak, and has good air permeability; composite paper has poor air permeability, resulting in slow moisture absorption, and is generally not suitable for moisture-proof packaging of electronic products; Woven fabric has a certain strength and excellent air permeability, but it is easy to leak powder when used for packaging montmorillonite; anilox paper has good air permeability, high strength, good dust resistance, wide applicability, and the price is higher than ordinary composites. The paper is high, but far lower than DuPont paper, it is an ideal choice for packaging materials; Tyvek (Tyvek) is an ideal material that can be used for various desiccant packaging, with high strength, folding resistance, tear resistance, anti-static, Good air permeability and other characteristics, also has excellent weather resistance and chemical resistance, dust-free design, used for packaging desiccants, not only has good air permeability, but also sufficient strength and beautiful printing effect. The disadvantage is that the price is high.
包装材料的安全性主要体现在它的 抗张强度 , 防粉尘 性能和 热封 性能. 在干燥剂应用中, 包装材料的作用是吸附剂与您的产品尽量隔绝, 由于包装材料的缺陷导致的干燥吸附剂泄漏有可能会影响您的产品品质。包装好的货物在搬动或者运输过程中, 由于挤压, 扭动可能会使袋装干燥剂受到压力. 如果干燥剂包装材料没有很强的抗张强度,这个时候就会有很大的破包可能性。同样如果包装材料没有很好的热封性能, 在袋装干燥剂受到压力的时候, 封口处是容易产生破裂的。各种干燥吸附剂都是有一定粉尘的, 而粉尘对某些产品是很危险的. 当然, 大部分普通产品对微量的粉尘并不敏感的. 在干燥剂包装材料中, 杜邦公司的Tyvek包装材料是不会产生任何粉尘的.
干燥剂包装材料的透气性能是其有效性的主要表现. 干燥剂DIN55473德国标准和MIL-D-3464E美国军方标准都要求干燥剂的包装材料有良好的水蒸汽透过率. 使用不良透汽性包装材料的干燥剂会有吸湿缓慢的问题, 从而影响了干燥剂控制湿度的作用.
我们在选择产品的过程中, 针对安全性和有效性的需求, 结合价格因素, 从中选择出适合自己的干燥剂产品方案, 发掘出产品性价比。
重量(g) |
装箱数(包) |
包装规格(mm) |
功能 |
除湿时间(小时) |
1 |
10000 |
30×45 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
1.5 |
10000 |
35×45 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
2 |
10000 |
35×50 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
3 |
6000 |
35×60\47×49 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
5 |
3500 |
47×60 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
10 |
2000 |
47×80\60×70 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
15 |
1500 |
60×80 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
20 |
1000 |
75×85 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
30 |
800 |
75×95 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
40 |
600 |
75×110 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
50 |
500 |
85×110 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
80 |
350 |
100×140 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
100 |
240 |
105×180 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
150 |
200 |
120×140 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
200 |
150 |
120×160 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
250 |
100 |
140×180 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |
500 |
60 |
240×160 |
防霉、吸湿 |
≤48 |